Biotechnological approaches in IPM and their impact on environment - B. Vasantharaj David - 01 - 05. |
Prospects and Promises of Endocrine Biopesticides - D. Muraleedharan and U. Gayathri Elayidam - 06 - 11. |
Induction of Specific Biochemical Pathways in Plants for Pest Management - K. P. Sanjayan - 12 - 16. |
Host and non-host plant volatiles on oviposition and orientation behaviour of Trichogramma chilonis Ishii.- Pathipati Usha Rani*, Y. Jyothsna and M. Lakshminarayana- 17 - 22. |
Induction of resistance through organic amendments for the management of spotted leaf beetle, Epilachna vigintioctopunctata Fab. on Ashwagandha - A.Ravikumar, R. Rajendran, C. Chinniah, S. Irulandi, and R. Pandi. - 23 - 27. |
Evaluation of certain organic nutrient sources against mealy bug, Coccidohystrix insolitus (Green.) and the spotted leaf beetle, Epilachna vigintioctopunctata Fab. on Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera Dunal.- A.Ravikumar, R. Rajendran, C. Chinniah, S. Irulandi, and R. Pandi - 28 - 31. |
Microbial Management of Crop - Pest- Hem Saxena - 32 - 37. |
Use of Carpovirusine for Control of Codling Moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), in Bulgaria Progress Report - * Hristina Kutinkova, Joerg Samietz, Vasiliy Dzhuvinov, Yannis Tallot - 38 - 40. |
Tri-tropic Interaction of Cotton, Red Cotton Bug and Green Muscardine Fungi under In-Vitro Condition - K. Sahayaraj and J. F. Borgio - 41 - 46. |
In vitro mass production of Pasteuria penetrans (Mankau) Sayre and Starr for the management of Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood - S. Prabhu, S. Kumar S. Subramaniam and A.Sudha - 47 - 48. |
Studies on the need of Phytosanitory Measures for the Management of the Coffee Berry Borer in Pulney Hills - Stephen D.Samuel, S.Irulandi, A.Ravikumar*, R.Rajendran* and P.K.Vinodkumar.- 49 - 51. |
Qualitative Phytochemical Screening of Some Locally Available Insecticidal Plants - J. Martin Rathi, S.Absara, K.Priyadharshini and V.Jegathambika - 52 - 54. |
Bioefficacy of Crude and Fractions of Argemone mexicana against Tobacco Caterpillar, Spodoptera litura Fab. (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera) - S. Malarvannan*., R. Giridharan., S. Sekar., V.R.Prabavathy and Sudha Nair - 55 - 62. |
Effect of Neem oil Extractive (NOE) on Repellency, Mortality, Fecundity, Development and Biochemical Analysis of Pericallia ricini (Lepidoptera:Arctidae) - S.Mala and S.Muthalagi - 63 - 66. |
Efficacy of Some Plant Products against Spotted Leaf Beetle (Hadda beetle), Henosepilachna vigintiooctopunctata (F.) in Brinjal.- N. Murugesan and T.Murugesh - 67 - 69. |
Effect of Botanical Insecticides on Coffee Berry Borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera : Scolytidae) S. Irulandi, R. Rajendran, Stephen D.Samuel, A. Ravikumar, P. K. Vinodkumar& K. Sreedharan - 70 - 73. |
Botanical treatment for grain protection and their effects on Seed Germination and Seedling Performance of stored maize P. Usha Rani and J. Madhusudhana Murthy - 74 - 80. |
Larvicidal activities of some Euro-Asiatic plants against Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae)- Roman Pavela - 81 - 85. |
Distribution of predatory arthropod communities in selected sandal provenances of south India - R.Sundararaj - 86 - 91. |
Host Preference of Trathala flavoorbitalis on Brinjal shoot and Fruit Borer and Rice Leaf Folder - M.A.Rahman, S.N.Alam, M.Z.Alam and M.M.Hossain - 92 - 97. |
Evaluation of an IPM Module against the Leafhopper, Amrasca devastans (Distant) in Cotton - N. Murugesan1 and A.Kavitha - 98 - 100. |
Evaluation of biosynthesized silver nanoparticles against fungal pathogens of mulberry Morus indica - K.Govindaraju, V.Kiruthiga and G.Singaravelu- 101 - 104. |
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