Journal of Biopesticides
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1.  Submission..

2. Initial screening by Secretarial Assistant, If the author does Not followed the format -Send back to the author for formatting correction

3. Searching reviewers 

4. Forward the manuscript to the reviewer

5. Received the comments, checked by  local editorial board member and editor-in-chief (include if additional comments needed) and it is sent to the author after gone through by the editor-in-chief

6. Checked the manuscript and explanation by the Secretarial Assistant and editor-in-chief and very often by associate editors of concern fields

  7. Acceptance letter to the author

8. Language correction by language editor (Retired English Professor)

9. MS formatter to journal style and prepare proof by the Secretarial Assistant and checked by the editor-in-chief

10.Proof Send to the author

11. Author corrected proof checked by a local editorial board member and resent of many changes has made

12. Author corrected second proof checked and finalize the same as pdf

Pdf PDF available online for all

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